Mechanical Engineering

Contact Information

Prof.Jayawant R Wadile

Department of Mechanical Engineering

📱 9403904450

Mechanical Engineering

The Department of Mechanical engineering is an outstanding example of the college’s insistence on quality education appropriate to the needs of industry. The department faculty consists of well-qualified and experienced professionals having a proven track record in academic, industrial and research field. The faculty is well prepared to train competent professionals in the field of Mechanical Engineering to meet requirements of industry and higher engineering studies. The department has fully equipped Fluid Power, Power Engineering, Thermal engineering, Theory of Machines, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Automobile Engineering laboratories and Auto CAD Lab. The professional courses for CAD/CAM like UGS CAD-CAM training is also provided in college campus by various professional organizations. Mechanical Engineering department conducts workshop on different subjects like repair & maintenance of Automobile and Refrigeration system in order to get industrial exposure to students. It has all the workshop facilities needed to carry out the fabrication and machining required (with VMC machine) to students; both for experiment and project work. The laboratory and application courses provide opportunity for development of student’s creativity. Most of the Students projects are appreciated by the different organizations and Industry.

The Faculty also provides invited expert lectures and act as resource persons at various such programs conducted by other institutions. The department conducts seminars and workshops on a regular basis under the auspices of the Mechanical Engineering Association utilizing the services of experts and engineering professionals.