On 21st June-2013, we have conducted the biggest Pool Campus Drive of ART Group of Industries (No. of Vacancies = 80), in which Students from Various Parts of Maharashtra participated and finally 37 students got selected. The Recruitment team of the esteemed organization spent whole day in the campus for the Recruitment Process.
The Team Sandip Foundation always their to provide golden opportunities to students
Training & Placement cell at Sandip Foundation is having its unique way of training the students not only for placing them in private sector but also to get the job in government sector too, and also we help them to develop a mesmerizing personality for choosing a perfect career by giving an opportunity to work on live Projects, which enables them to get exposed to real Industrial problems, which in turn develops their confidence, transforms them from graduates into Engineers, resulting into more Employability and Entrepreneurship. We provide soft skill training right from First year. For this we have not only in-house faculties but also industrial experts, professional trainers contribute unanimously in grooming and shaping the students to face the competitive industrial world. We have separate entrepreneurship cell to enhance the quality of students to become an efficate entrepreneur.
T&P cell also assist in various projects of enhancing technical skills of engineering students by entering MOU with various Technical Training Institute. As far as placements are concerned Sandip Foundation’s T & P cell always have a single motto that students must be placed appropriately.